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Legacy Case Studies

FPGA Step and Direction Control of Motors with Ramping

The Challenge  

Perform hardware controlled Step and Direction output on 3 stepper motors with ramping to velocity  set point targets while also validating encoder input feedback based on step output counts.  

The Solution 

The sbRIO-9626 FPGA is used to perform SPI communication to the Stepper Drive boards for setting  the drive currents as well as for outputting the Step and Direction signals for the three motors. 


Data Science Automation (DSA) is a premier National Instruments (NI) Alliance Partner that  specializes in automating and educating the world leading companies. Clients choose DSA because of  DSA’s deep knowledge of National Instruments products, disciplined process of developing adaptive  project solutions, staff of skilled Certified LabVIEW Architects and Certified Professional Instructors,  and unique focus on empowerment through education and co-development. 

A biomedical device needed to have hardware level control of motion control outputs to stepper  motors driving fluid pump heads. Software of Unknown Provenance (SOUP) where documentation  could not be easily obtained was a deciding factor in moving away from the original intelligent stepper  motors used in a prototype system that performed the same functionality. FMEA indicated that the  motor control should be implemented on the FPGA for highest reliability and safety intervention. 

The ability to implement custom communication protocols on the FPGA for SPI communication to the  stepper drives was an important driver in selecting to control the motors from the FPGA. The motor  drive settings are basically only set to 2 levels of power – either low current settings when the motors  are not commanded to move or full available current when the motors are commanded to start  moving. SPI communication is validated with the query of any parameters that are changed. If the  query does not show the same value that was sent to the drive the system is put into safe mode (no  motor power) and fluid motion is blocked by solenoid driven clamps. 

Direction settings are easily maintained to the motor drivers. Only one motor is allowed to change  directions during a tube priming phase of operation. The other two pumps are never allowed to  change direction and have the direction bit hard coded into the FPGA as constant values to output on  the Step and Direction lines to the motor drives. 

Set points are sent from the HMI software to the Real-time executable and the RT code interacts with  the FPGA for target RPM set points via front panel programmatic communication. Set points are validated against checksums to prevent corruption of communication between the RT system and the  FPGA code. 

RPM set points are converted to a number of clock ticks that must elapse between step outputs. The  step generation code is running in a Single Cycle Timed Loop on the FPGA and the clock ticks are  counted to know when the steps should be generated. Set points are sent to the motor step output  clocking loop in a ramp so that the maximum RPM is not set immediately on receiving a new set point.  A memory item is used to transmit the RPM clock cycle set points to the Step Generation code from  the 10-ms cycle clock cycle target generation loop, (Figure 1).  This is to allow for smooth ramping. Two part ramping (Figure 2) is implemented where an initial 6- point non-linear ramp is implemented and then transitions to a linear ramp until the target clock ticks  (RPM) is achieved. 


Figure 1 - RPM Conversion to Clock Cycle - Ramped Targets


Figure 2 – Set Point Ramping Control 


While the system is performing Step outputs the quadrature encoder inputs are validated against the  tracked Step output counts to ensure that the motor is not stalling or falling behind the commanded  motion. A known number of quadrature cycles of the 400 CPR encoders allows for checking for the  proper number of encoder feedback counts per twelve output Step signals. The system in parallel  with the Step output generation is decoding the Quadrature Encoder signals on the A and B channels (Figure 3 and Figure 4).


Figure 3 - Motor Control Output Loop and Speed Check 


Figure 4 - Motor Encoder Feedback


In this system with 400 Counts per Revolution (CPR) quadrature encoders there are 12 encoder edge  counts expected with 3 encoder cycles since they are Quadrature encoders (1 encoder cycle is 4  edges) and x4 decoding is performed by Once 12  same direction encoder edge detections have been detected the “CheckSpeed?” Output is set to true.  A single encoder cycle is 32 motor output steps with the 12,800 step microstepped motors and a 400  CPR encoder. Thus the expected motor output steps for 3 encoder cycles (12 encoder edge counts) is  96 motor output steps (Figure 5). Speed mismatch is allowed up to 10 times before a system fault is  triggered that shuts down the motor control and prevents fluid motion. 


Figure 5 - Motor Control Check Speed 


This final implementation satisfies the requirements for stall detection and smooth ramping. Other  hardware options considered initially were intelligent controllers, however control from the Real-Time  code did not meet the risk mitigation level required by the client and the certification team.  

Rapid Prototyping Benefits of LabVIEW FPGA 

The use of the FPGA on the sbRIO-9626 benefited this project by allowing prototyping of code and  rapid testing of code interacting with the motion hardware. No custom ASIC hardware was needed to  achieve integration of PWM step signal and quadrature encoder measurements. The speed of the  encoder detection events with the FPGA Single Cycle Timed Loop was well above the maximum speed  required of the system.  

An added benefit of utilizing the LabVIEW Development Environment with the sbRIO-9626 for  interfacing the Step outputs and Encoder signals was the ability to create test LabVIEW FPGA bitfiles for only the motion code. This allowed rapid testing with FPGA Front Panel Interactive Communication  mode and greatly shortened the time needed to hone the motion code. 

The LabVIEW environment also makes reuse of this code on other projects in the future very simple.  As long as the FPGA IO Nodes are updated the code can be ported to multiple sbRIO and cRIO targets.


LabVIEW FPGA, LabVIEW Real-Time, and LabVIEW for Windows allowed DSA to easily meet the  customer requirements for providing hardware level control and speed monitoring of three separate  stepper motors in a biomedical device. Using LabVIEW also allows for easy transfer of this code to  other projects utilizing stepper motors with or without speed feedback verification and SPI  communication. The ease of writing modular code for the FPGA carrying over modular coding  techniques allows for this ease of code transfers between projects. 

Contact Information 

Ryan W. Vallieu, 

Data Science Automation, 375 Valley Brook Road, McMurray, PA 15317-3370


Advanced Manufacturing and Control Advanced Research


Ryan W. Vallieu, Senior Automation Systems Architect, Data Science Automation, Inc.

Richard M. Brueggman, Founder and CEO, Data Science Automation, Inc.

Products Used:

NI sbRIO-9626 

LabVIEW FPGA 2012 

LabVIEW RT 2012 

LabVIEW 2012 SP1 

NI RIO 12.1

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