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DIAdem Fundamentals II

DIAdem Fundamentals II



This course teaches you how to extend the capabilities of DIAdem software using VBScript. The curriculum is project-oriented, with each exercise building on the previous one to create the final application. Build a customized menu interface to complete a variety of tasks including loading data from an SQL database and automating report generation. This course is designed to help you feel comfortable with the advanced VBScript and SUDialog capabilities of DIAdem.

Screenshott 2023-05-30 at 10.55.25 PM

Course Agenda

Advanced VBScript: DIAdem


  • 1: Introduction to DIAdem Script
  • 2: The VBS Functionality
  • 3: Working with the Debugger
  • 4: Creating and Editing Scripts
  • 5: Variables and Commands in Scripts
  • 6: Dialog Boxes in Scripts
  • 7: Working with the DIAdem Panels
  • 8: Customizing DIAdem/li>
  • 9: Advanced Script Options