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Vision Systems & Motion Control

Integrated Inspection
& Part Manipulation

Machine vision has reached a point of consistently and reliably replacing the drudgery of manual visual inspection.  Training and integrating a vision system into automated test requires expertise and experience.  DSA provides that with dozens of projects under our belt and proprietary tools like VExPrT developed using that experience. Motion control lets a computer physically interact with devices under test, and stress them in a reliable and repeatable manner to assure they will perform well in the real world.



Component 2 – 14784678

Part Sorting & Pattern Matching

Automated Movement of Parts

Inspect Process Reliability and Throughput

Image Feature Enhancement and Data Extraction

Data Science Automation offers complete PC- and PAC-based and Smart Camera vision systems that will incorporate a variety of hardware and software components, as well as technical and creative strategies.

Components will likely include the computer, application software, driver software,
framegrabbers, cameras, lenses, lighting and other accessories such as proximity sensors and switches. DSA offers a comprehensive set of products for all of your vision needs. We have solid relationships with the finest component manufacturers and distributors, giving us the ability to select the right products and procure them promptly.


What We Perfect

Smart Camera

Thermal Camera

Camera Link

Line Scan Camera

Machine Vision

Automated Inspection

Image Processing










LabView Vision Builder

Motion Assistant

Cognex & DVT


Self-Qualification Form

As a technical user, you may know exactly what you need from us already. If you do, save time and streamline the discovery process with our self-qualification form, where you can let DSA know exactly what you need.


Get Started Today

Robust, modular test system architectures can result in short test development times and higher test capacities; and with more products getting tested sooner, more products will be sold and shipped. High throughput testing for pass/fail results is a worthy goal, but so much more can be accomplished. Data Science Automation extends the test strategy to automated text, web and database reporting, and ultimately to process improvements focused on defect prevention.

Would you like one of our Automated Test experts to contact you to discuss your application?