Interfacing with a Smarter Factory
The manufacturing industry is leading the way in IIoT (the Industrial Internet of Things) deployments. The key to a successful and rewarding deployment is an integrated approach, further including technologies such as big data analytics, cloud, robotics and, most importantly perhaps, the integration of IT (Information Technology) and OT (Operational Technology).
For decades, the skilled data experts at Data Science Automation® (DSA) have been making a big public impact with data acquisition and data analytics applied to diverse and challenging medical device, transportation, military, and energy applications. But today’s challenge is to expand sensor-sourced and product-sourced data coverage, and to meaningfully leverage those extensive and growing data repositories with automation and analytics for deeper and more insightful correlations. Such advanced applications of Data Science will drive the next, and sure to be rapid, revolution in continuous improvements.
More Data
From More
Smart Sensors At The Interface To The Real World
Data Storage of Large Data Streams
Integrations of Diverse Data
Ease Of Adding New Data Sources
It’s been said that the group who could make the biggest impact and influence a total transformation
toward IIoT is not a company’s IT or OT team,and it is not the automation suppliers or the IoT technology vendors.
It is the system integrators.
For 25 years, Data Science Automation has been a premier automation systems integrator,
leveraging commercial off-the-shelf tools in the design and implementation of custom-engineered, complete,
and highly-adaptive solutions in laboratory automation, embedded/new product development,
manufacturing and test automation.
What We Perfect
Industrial Internet
of Things
Quality Control
Dispersed Data Collection
Asset Tracking
Supply Chain Traceability
Real-Time Data Monitoring
RFID & Barcode Solutions
Inventory Tracking
Manufacturing Traceability
IoT Device Integration
Sensor Networks
Smart Manufacturing Systems
Big Data Analytics
Data Analytics
Supply Chain Visibility
Fleet Performance Tracking
Self-Qualification Form
As a technical user, you may know exactly what you need from us already. If you do, save time and streamline the discovery process with our self-qualification form, where you can let DSA know exactly what you need.
Get Started Today
Robust, modular test system architectures can result in short test development times and higher test capacities; and with more products getting tested sooner, more products will be sold and shipped. High throughput testing for pass/fail results is a worthy goal, but so much more can be accomplished. Data Science Automation extends the test strategy to automated text, web and database reporting, and ultimately to process improvements focused on defect prevention.
Would you like one of our Automated Test experts to contact you to discuss your application?