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Simulation & Modeling

Avoid Hardware Costs
With Computing

Sometimes, doing something in the real world is too costly to contemplate, so customers turn to simulation instead.  Our engineers, always cognizant of what could go wrong or what might not match, apply physics to the problem and check that the simulation results are physically reasonable.  We make sure to match real world measurements where we can, and improve our models until they do.


Getting The Most
From Your Model 

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Computational Correspondence With Reality

Speed of Simulation - Especially Compared to Experiments

Intuition As To How A System Is Working

Confidence In A Model Of Reality

Working with our modelers will improve your insight into your system, give you more confidence in the results, and speed your development.  It can guide your spending and make sure it’s as effective as possible.


What We Perfect

Graphical System Design

Control Design

Control Models




Process Modeling

Dynamic Systems

PID Control

Fuzzy Logic

Adaptive Control

Real-Time Control

Compact RIO


Finite Element Analysis





Self-Qualification Form

As a technical user, you may know exactly what you need from us already. If you do, save time and streamline the discovery process with our self-qualification form, where you can let DSA know exactly what you need.


Get Started Today

Robust, modular test system architectures can result in short test development times and higher test capacities; and with more products getting tested sooner, more products will be sold and shipped. High throughput testing for pass/fail results is a worthy goal, but so much more can be accomplished. Data Science Automation extends the test strategy to automated text, web and database reporting, and ultimately to process improvements focused on defect prevention.

Would you like one of our Automated Test experts to contact you to discuss your application?