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Planning & Startup Assistance

Asking & Answering the Right Questions

System Specifications should have one purpose: to clearly facilitate system implementations that are both fast and right, whether done in-house or by systems integration contractors.


Planning With

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Accurately Refining Your Requirements

Planning On Automation And Measurement Systems

Lowering The Risk Of Implementation

Documenting The System Specification

With so many options, in our System Specifications consulting and implementation efforts, we carefully analyze and consider each of these factors in designing the best overall solution with the lowest TOTAL cost of ownership for our clients.


What We Perfect

Methodical Consultations

Certified Automation Experts

Design Engineering

Clarifying Questions

Requirements Management

Technical Specifications

Performance Criteria

Feasibility Analysis

MoSCoW Feature Prioritization

Digital System Architectures

Component Selection


Acceptance Criteria

Waterfall Method

Agile Development


Client Empowerment

ROI Analysis

Self-Qualification Form

As a technical user, you may know exactly what you need from us already. If you do, save time and streamline the discovery process with our self-qualification form, where you can let DSA know exactly what you need.


Get Started Today

Robust, modular test system architectures can result in short test development times and higher test capacities; and with more products getting tested sooner, more products will be sold and shipped. High throughput testing for pass/fail results is a worthy goal, but so much more can be accomplished. Data Science Automation extends the test strategy to automated text, web and database reporting, and ultimately to process improvements focused on defect prevention.

Would you like one of our Automated Test experts to contact you to discuss your application?