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Instrument Control

LabVIEW Instrument Control



This course explores how to programmatically control instruments using LabVIEW software. The benefits of instrument control include automated processes, time savings, and error reduction. You will examine real-world industry examples and learn to use Virtual Instrument Software Architecture (VISA) - a single interface to configure and control GPIB, Ethernet, serial, and VXI instruments.

Screenshott 2023-05-30 at 10.55.25 PM

Course Agenda

Configure & Control:
Instrument Control

  • 1: Instrument Control Overview
  • 2: Communicating with Instruments on Different Buses
  • 3: Using Instrument Drivers
  • 4: Modifying an Existing Instrument Driver
  • 5: Creating a New Instrument Driver
  • 6: Developing an Application